Friday, March 19, 2010

10 Reasons Your Newborn is the Love of Your Life

Here are some reasons why the new love of your life has you falling head over heels:
  1. He gives you a sense of purpose.
  2. He smells so good. (Cologne is way overrated.)
  3. He totally relates to the whole still-have-a-little-baby-fat thing.
  4. He doesn’t talk back.
  5. He’s completely cool with you citing him as the reason for leaving a social event early (even if you really just want to get home in time to watch Lost).
  6. He’s warm, cuddly and always up for a snuggle (and just a snuggle).
  7. He’s fine with you serving the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day of the week.
  8. He’s a great listener.
  9. He willingly takes the blame for any gas-passing that occurs. (Hey, it really is him occasionally!)
  10. He needs you—and you need him.
-taken from

Welcome to my Blog!

Hello! Thanks for taking your time to visit my blog.

I am a big fan of parenting blogs, and since I'm a new mom to a healthy baby boy, I decided why not make my own to journal me and my husband's journey as new parents. Every day, our little boy shows new tricks and is growing at an incredible rate, so I want to chronicle as much as I can. This blog will also include parenting articles that I find in magazines and the internet, so hopefully, this will help new (and seasoned!) moms.

Thanks for dropping by, and please come back soon. ;)

-Mommy Gwen